Case Study

Closer -follow-up Quotation app Case study

case study

Query. . .


Consider the scenario where you are cold calling your leads or customers about your new service and you want to send product details message or let’s say price quotation after end the call.


In normal route, you need to go to your messaging app, enter the number of clients you just talk with, type the message and send it. Or if you are using the WhatsApp for sending the details message, You need to save the contact, goto Whatsapp, find and send the product message to that user.


You will say, it’s not that hard, yes it’s not when you need to send few follow-backs but what, when you are dealing with a number of calls per hour and need to repeat this process each time after a call? Think of cold calling when you sending major product details and contact details after cut the call. It will consume lots of time.

Solution . . .

Closer app: save time. message efficiently.

In the solution of clients above problem, we have developed “the closer app”.
This app lets you create templates and provide a quick way to send the message with a single tap with your messaging app or Whatsapp as per your choice.


How exactly the app works?


When you call someone and end the conversation from the mobile on which “Closer” app installed. You will get a pop-up on your screen immediately after cutting the call. Pop-up pre-loaded the message template and most-recent caller’s number in fields. You will get the option to select the messaging app you want to use and a send button.
Just select the messaging app you want to use for sending the message and tap on the send button to send the message template to that user you just had a talk.


Don’t want to select the platform each time? you able to select the default messaging app like WhatsApp and then each time just click on the pop-up’s send button and your quotation or message template will be sent to that number.


This way, you will save a lot of time and the whole process becomes too easy.

App Features:


  • Quick pop-up to make it efficient
  • Custom templates edit and save
  • Default messaging app selection
  • Very simple and user-friendly layout
  • Edit and preview message before send
  • App supported in android version 4.0 and higher
  • Small app size, consumes very less RAM


What when you called your friend from that device? You probably don’t want to send that product details template to your friend or family after each call.


We have a very simple solution. Just do nothing after the call. After cut the call, if users don’t touch to that popup or not start performing any activity on the pop-up screen, it will automatically disappearance after a small time.


Just talk with a friend, and after cut the call, do nothing. Or you can disable the app feature on the holidays or when you are not working on a similar task.

Google Play
App Store
Closer is a useful app for sales calls like cold calling.


Sending the quotation is easy than ever with closer.

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